12 research outputs found

    Graphical Object-Centric Actor-Critic

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    There have recently been significant advances in the problem of unsupervised object-centric representation learning and its application to downstream tasks. The latest works support the argument that employing disentangled object representations in image-based object-centric reinforcement learning tasks facilitates policy learning. We propose a novel object-centric reinforcement learning algorithm combining actor-critic and model-based approaches to utilize these representations effectively. In our approach, we use a transformer encoder to extract object representations and graph neural networks to approximate the dynamics of an environment. The proposed method fills a research gap in developing efficient object-centric world models for reinforcement learning settings that can be used for environments with discrete or continuous action spaces. Our algorithm performs better in a visually complex 3D robotic environment and a 2D environment with compositional structure than the state-of-the-art model-free actor-critic algorithm built upon transformer architecture and the state-of-the-art monolithic model-based algorithm

    Gradual Optimization Learning for Conformational Energy Minimization

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    Molecular conformation optimization is crucial to computer-aided drug discovery and materials design. Traditional energy minimization techniques rely on iterative optimization methods that use molecular forces calculated by a physical simulator (oracle) as anti-gradients. However, this is a computationally expensive approach that requires many interactions with a physical simulator. One way to accelerate this procedure is to replace the physical simulator with a neural network. Despite recent progress in neural networks for molecular conformation energy prediction, such models are prone to distribution shift, leading to inaccurate energy minimization. We find that the quality of energy minimization with neural networks can be improved by providing optimization trajectories as additional training data. Still, it takes around 5×1055 \times 10^5 additional conformations to match the physical simulator's optimization quality. In this work, we present the Gradual Optimization Learning Framework (GOLF) for energy minimization with neural networks that significantly reduces the required additional data. The framework consists of an efficient data-collecting scheme and an external optimizer. The external optimizer utilizes gradients from the energy prediction model to generate optimization trajectories, and the data-collecting scheme selects additional training data to be processed by the physical simulator. Our results demonstrate that the neural network trained with GOLF performs on par with the oracle on a benchmark of diverse drug-like molecules using 5050x less additional data.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Artificial creativity augmentation

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    Creativity has been associated with multifarious descriptions whereby one exemplary common definition depicts creativity as the generation of ideas that are perceived as both novel and useful within a certain social context. In the face of adversarial conditions taking the form of global societal challenges from climate change over AI risks to technological unemployment, this paper motivates future research on artificial creativity augmentation (ACA) to indirectly support the generation of requisite defense strategies and solutions. This novel term is of ambiguous nature since it subsumes two research directions: (1) artificially augmenting human creativity, but also (2) augmenting artificial creativity. In this paper, we examine and extend recent creativity research findings from psychology and cognitive neuroscience to identify potential indications on how to work towards (1). Moreover, we briefly analyze how research on (1) could possibly inform progress towards (2). Overall, while human enhancement but also the implementation of powerful AI are often perceived as ethically controversial, future ACA research could even appear socially desirable

    Fine-Tuning Multimodal Transformer Models for Generating Actions in Virtual and Real Environments

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    In this work, we propose and investigate an original approach to using a pre-trained multimodal transformer of a specialized architecture for controlling a robotic agent in an object manipulation task based on language instruction, which we refer to as RozumFormer. Our model is based on a bimodal (text-image) transformer architecture originally trained for solving tasks that use one or both modalities, such as language modeling, visual question answering, image captioning, text recognition, text-to-image generation, etc. The discussed model has been adapted for robotic manipulation tasks by organizing the input sequence of tokens in a particular way, consisting of tokens for text, images, and actions. We have demonstrated that such a model adapts well to new tasks and shows better results with fine-tuning than complete training in simulation and real environments. To transfer the model from the simulator to a real robot, new datasets were collected and annotated. In addition, experiments controlling the agent in a visual environment using reinforcement learning have shown that fine-tuning the model with a mixed dataset that includes examples from the initial visual-linguistic tasks only slightly decreases performance on these tasks, simplifying the addition of tasks from another domain

    Error-Correction for AI Safety

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    The complex socio-technological debate underlying safety-critical and ethically relevant issues pertaining to AI development and deployment extends across heterogeneous research subfields and involves in part conflicting positions. In this context, it seems expedient to generate a minimalistic joint transdisciplinary basis disambiguating the references to specific subtypes of AI properties and risks for an error-correction in the transmission of ideas. In this paper, we introduce a high-level transdisciplinary system clustering of ethical distinction between antithetical clusters of Type I and Type II systems which extends a cybersecurity-oriented AI safety taxonomy with considerations from psychology. Moreover, we review relevant Type I AI risks, reflect upon possible epistemological origins of hypothetical Type II AI from a cognitive sciences perspective and discuss the related human moral perception. Strikingly, our nuanced transdisciplinary analysis yields the figurative formulation of the so-called AI safety paradox identifying AI control and value alignment as conjugate requirements in AI safety. Against this backdrop, we craft versatile multidisciplinary recommendations with ethical dimensions tailored to Type II AI safety. Overall, we suggest proactive and importantly corrective instead of prohibitive methods as common basis for both Type I and Type II AI safety